Supplemental Health Care Market Share
The Supplemental Health Care Market Share report
indicates the market share of all business reported on this exhibit by
company or by group. The market share is calculated by dividing each
company’s premium or number of covered lives by the total of all
companies. The data can be included for one statement type or for all
Life, Health, Fraternal and Property companies. Please note that
insurers with no business reported in Col. 1 through 3 are not required
to complete Col. 4 through 7 of the exhibit which will result in
incomplete aggregate data for Col. 4 through 7. Refer to the Annual
Statement Instructions for details on requirements to file the exhibit.
The top of the Supplemental Health Care Market Share Summary report displays the criteria specified for generating the report. Column data is provided for the following fields:
To save the report, select the appropriate option from the File menu. To return to the Summary reports page close your browser window. . To perform another search or navigate to a different application within iSite+, select the appropriate link at the top of the Summary Reports page. |