Analyst Team Reports
The primary goal of the
Analyst Team is to identify companies that appear to require immediate
regulatory attention. Based on a review of the company’s financial
results, the Analyst Team will recommend the level of regulatory attention
required by designating a company "Level A", "Level B", or "Reviewed,
no level". These designations are intended to help assist states in
prioritizing their workload so that potential problem insurers are dealt
with first in the regulator review process.
A "Level A" company designation means that the state regulator should give that company the highest priority in the review process. A "Level A" designation does not necessarily indicate that a company is facing financial adversity. The regulator should perform a comprehensive analytical review of the company’s financial condition to determine the factors affecting the financial ratio results to confirm whether the company’s condition does in fact, require closer regulatory attention. While companies designated as "Level B" may also have adverse results, such companies do not require the immediate attention recommended with "Level A" companies. The Analyst Team Reports include the level along with the analyst comments supporting the conclusion. This information is not intended to be a complete analysis nor is it an expression of an opinion about a company. (NOTE: The Analyst Team reports are considered confidential and are not public information.) Both specific-entity and summary reports are available. Analyst Team Report The Analyst Team Report provides Analyst Team information for a specified entity and data year. To View Analyst Team reports using the Financial Reports Page:
1. Search for a company or companies by performing a Financial Company Search . 2. Highlight which companies you want reports generated from, that are found in the Company List box. 3. Select the Analyst Team category from the Categories Frame. 4. Click on the report you want to view. To View, Download, or Print Multiple Reports: Follow steps 1, 2, and 3, from the list above then: 4. Click on the check boxes next to the reports you want to view. 5. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen. 6. Click the View, Download, or
Print button in the Reports Frame.
1. Select and save one or more Reports from your preferred category/categories, before clicking the View, Download, or Print button in the Reports Frame. 2. To Return to the
Financial Company Search Page: 3. Click the Company Search button in the Banner frame. To Save Selected Preferences
Within the Financial Reports Page: 1. Select the
reports you would like to save.
4. Click the Save Current Selected Reports 5. Click the Save Reports Button. 6. When the prompt window appears enter the name you would like to give to this saved reports file. Enter a meaningful name you will recognize later. 7. Click the OK button in the prompt window. Analyst Team System (ATS) Procedures Manual NAIC Procedures Manual For The Analyst Team System - Provides an overview of the Analyst Team Project. The Manual discusses project staffing and the roles of each staff member, criteria used to select companies to be reviewed, and a description of the level designations. The Manual provides information on the Analyst Team Report and the ATS Validated Level Report. To download, view or print the pdf version of the procedures manual, click the hyperlink titled "ATS Procedures Manual," listed at the top of the Analyst Team Reports page. Analyst Team Validated Level Report The Analyst Team Validated Level report displays the validated Analyst Team level. The automated level of Level A or Level B is reviewed by the Analyst Team, then it is either validated or modified based on information available. In addition to Level A or Level B, the Analyst Team can designate a company as no level or Level N. The following defines the Analyst Team levels: Level A: Insurer's problems may be very serious or possibly threaten its short-term continuation. The Analyst Team is recommending that the State Insurance Department accord the company the highest level of attention in the surveillance process. The level designation does not necessarily indicate that a company is facing financial adversity. The regulator should perform comprehensive review of the company's financial condition to determine the factors affecting the financial ratio results to confirm whether the company's condition does in fact require closer regulatory attention. Level B: All or part of a company's operations appear to have long-term adverse effects on the insurer's financial condition. The Analyst Team is recommending that the State Insurance Department accord the company the second highest level of attention in the surveillance process. Level N: A material change or unusual results are noted but the Analyst Team does not consider the impact of the change to have an adverse effect on the insurer's financial condition. Level F: Companies selected by the first set of selection criteria, but not selected by the second set of selection criteria as an automated Level A or B. Level X: Companies not selected by the first set of selection criteria. The following levels are applicable only to single-state writers that belong to a group and are not subject to review by the Analyst Team. Single-state writers are insurance companies that are licensed to write insurance business in one state only. These designations include only single-state writers that are members of a group (a larger company of group of insurers or holding company). Single-state writers, which do not belong to a group, will be Level X companies.
The Analyst Team Summary report provides Analyst Team System results for all companies of a specified business type, data year and Analyst Team Level, based on whether the company is domiciled, licensed and/or writing business in a particular state. To access the Analyst Team Summary report: 1. Access the Summary Reports area of iSite+ by performing a Summary Reports Search. 2. On the Summary Reports page, select Analyst Team Summary Report from the Financial area of the page. 3. Click the Submit button to the right of the selection area. 4. The ATS Criteria for Summary page will display. Select the desired criteria from the available fields. You may select more than one Analyst Team System (ATS) level by holding the Shift or CTRL key while clicking in the selection box. (NOTE: Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).) 5. To sort the report data to be generated, select a Primary and Secondary sort option from the drop-down lists on the right side of the page. Available sort options include NAIC Code, Group Code, Company Name, State of Domicile, Direct Premiums Written, FAST Score, RBC Ratio and ATS Level Code. 6. Click the Submit button to display the ATS Summary Report page. 7. The top of the page displays a summary of the criteria used to generate the report, including Data Year, Codelist Basis, State, Nationally Significant, ATS Level, Statement Type, Group Code, Primary Sort and Secondary Sort. 8. Below the summary of criteria, a list of companies matching the criteria are displayed. Information includes Group Code, NAIC Code, Company Name, State of Domicile, Direct Premiums Written, Total FAST Score, RBC Ratio, and ATS Level. 9. To view a specific company's Analyst Team Report, click the link in the NAIC Code column of the report table. 10. To print or save the report, select the appropriate option from your browser's File menu. 11. To generate a different Analyst Team Summary Report, change the criteria at the top of the page as desired and click the Submit button. 12. To return to the Summary reports page click the Back button on your browser. You may need to click the button several times depending on how many reports you generated. |