Company Demographics
Company Demographics includes information from the company
master file, which is an accumulation of data gathered from various forms of the annual
financial statement. The information includes company name, company code, financial data
year, business type, filing status, filing type, request filing status, other names, company contacts, all
addresses, officers, filing by state and waivers and extensions.
Demographics are available from the Company Search Results list by
clicking on the blue company name. Financial demographics display if
Business Preference is set to Financial. MAP-Demographics (market
conduct) display when the Business Preference is set to Market. Both
types of demographic displays are always available under Categories.
To View Demographic Information using the Financial Reports Page
Company Information - information from the company master file, such as company code, group code, business type, FEIN, filing type, etc. Other Names - the primary company name and any other names used by the company. Company Contacts - various contact names, addresses and phone numbers, such as Annual Statement Filing Contact, Diskette Contact, statutory address, primary location of records, etc. Current Addresses - The Current Address page displays the following fields. Each of the fields is sortable by clicking on the down arrow. The Current Address link provides information for Business area of PDB. There is also an option to save a list of returned addresses in CSV format. Officers - names and positions of the company's directors and officers (NOTE: The data available includes 1997 data through the current annual statement filing year.) Filing by State - indicates whether the company is licensed and/or writing business in each state for the specified data year. Market Regulation Address History – Displays the Market Regulation Address history that is submitted with a Market Regulation activity. The report displays the following fields:
Waivers and Extensions Report - displays information about financial statement filing extensions and waivers granted by a company's state of domicile. To print or save any Demographics page, select the appropriate option from the File menu. |