For instructions on how to run Jumpstart Reports, click here. Jumpstart reports include the following:
Company Valuation Exception
This report compares the company reported price to the SVO unit price, and the Low, Average, High and Median prices along with the reported designation and values.
Investment CUSIP Exception/Designation Reports
These reports attempt to show those CUSIP
numbers listed on Schedule D that are not accounted for by the NAICs Securities
Valuation Office VOS products because the CUSIP number does not exist, or it was entered
Missing CUSIP – the CUSIP number is not found in the VOS datafile or the FE datafile.
These reports reflect CUSIPS with values of Null; blank or Zero for each particular investment type.
Long Term Bonds - Schedule D Part 1
Preferred Stocks - Schedule D Part 2 Section 1
Common Stocks - Schedule D Part 2 Section 2
Long Term Stocks Acquired - Schedule D Part 3
Long Term Stocks Sold - Schedule D Part 4
Long Term Stocks Disposed - Schedule D Part 5
Valuation of Shares Subsidiary - Schedule D Part 6 Section 1
The Designation Exception Report utilizes CUSIP as a unique identifier. Thus, errors that occur in the CUSIP Exception Report will then generate exceptions in the Designation Exception
Report. If a CUSIP in Schedule D is not in the SVO database, the Designation Exception Report will return an error since the CUSIP will not match any record in the VOS database.
Since the designation comparison could not be made, an exception in the Designation Exception Report would be generated. If a matching CUSIP is identified in the SVO database, then the designation
reported in Schedule D by the insurer is compared to the designation in either the VOS data file or the FE data file. If a difference is detected, an error will be recorded.
Investment Designation Exception (RMBS)
This report verifies that the NAIC designation for Residential Mortgage Backed Securities (RMBS) was reported correctly and to identify those RMBS securities where the designation in Schedule D
differs from that derived from PIMCO.
Investment Fair Value Reports
These reports list those investments where the listed value is significantly different than the actual value. This report has sort options, and you can enter tolerance levels to control which
investments are included in the report. Tolerances can be entered as a percentage or an amount. For example, you can ask for those investments where the difference in value is 10 percent, or
a specific amount.
Investment Material Holdings Reports
This report shows issuers that represent more than 10 percent of admitted assets. Similar to Fair Value reports, you can create reports that show material holdings, and designate which holdings you
want to include in the report.
Specific Designation Reports
These reports allow you to generate a list of investments having one designation. For example, you might want a report that lists only those bonds that have not been rated. In that case, you could
select "NR" as a designation and view those investments. (Defaults to designation 1.)
Assumed/Ceded Reinsurance Reports
These reports reconcile the reinsurance assumed by the selected company to the reinsurance ceded by other insurers, and similarly reinsurance ceded by the selected company to the reinsurance
assumed by other insurers. They are available for Health, Property and Life companies.
Reinsurance and Recoverables in Excess of Surplus Report (P&C Companies)
Unrecoverable reinsurance may have a potentially significant negative impact on policyholder surplus. This report serves to identify companies whose exposure to possibly unrecoverable
reinsurance may be a matter for regulatory concern. Details of ceded reinsurance balances can be found in Part 3 of Schedule F.
Reported on wrong schedule - the report shows the difference between prior year annual statement reporting schedule and
current year annual statement reporting schedule by CUSIP identifier. (Schedule D part 1, Schedule D part 2 section 1 and Schedule D part 2 section 2.)
Missing VOS data - the CUSIP is not reported as FE in the designation column on schedule D and is not found in the
VOS datafile.
Missing History FE data - the CUSIP was reported as FE in the designation column on schedule D but was not found in
the FE data file.
Unmatched Designation - the CUSIP was found on the VOS datafile but the designation did not match the VOS
datafile designation. Or the CUSIP was reported as FE and was found in the FE datafile but the designations did not match the FE designation.
Filing Exempt - FE or Filing Exemption, is a rule adopted by the NAIC which grants an exemption from filing with
the SVO for bonds and preferred stock that have been assigned a current, monitored rating by a Credit Rating Provider, as detailed in the Purposes and Procedures Manual of the Investment
Analysis Office.