File Repository

File Repository

The File Repository provides a central location for helpful files and programs submitted by regulators and NAIC staff members. Users of iSite+ can submit files to a central repository located in Kansas City to allow others to use or view the files. Users can also download files currently in the central repository.  Users can delete the files they have submitted.

To access the File Repository:

  1. Click the Utilities link under the Tools tab.
  2. To access the File Repository, click the File Repository link in the Utility section on the left side of the table, near the top of the page. The NAIC File Repository page will display. From this page you can  search for a file to download or submit a file to the File Repository or delete the files they have submitted.  Look for short-cuts to these links at the top of the File Repository page.

NOTE: The File Repository can be accessed through iSite+ Internet address:

To search for a file to download:

  1. On the NAIC File Repository page, click the Search for a File button on the lower left of the page. The Search the Repository page will display.
  2. View all files in the File Repository or view specific files of interest by specifying criteria in the boxes on the page.
  3. To view all files in the File Repository, click the "Search" button at the bottom of the page without entering any search criteria in the fields provided on the page.
  4. To view specific files, enter the search criteria in the fields provided. Once you have entered the desired criteria, click the "Search" button. (NOTE: Definitions and examples of each criteria are provided below.) You need not complete all criteria fields. The more fields included, the more limited the search will be. For example, if you include only TXT in the File Type field, you will receive a list of only the text files available in the File Repository. However also including MYFILE in the File Name box will return only the specific file entitled MYFILE.TXT.
  5. To clear the search criteria fields, click the RESET Input Values button at the bottom of the page.
  6. After you click the Search button, the Search Results page will display listing all files that match the search criteria entered. Included on this page is a link to download the file, as well as some descriptive information. This information includes the name of the file, a contact person and phone number for more information, who the file is intended for and a user ID number for the person who submitted the file to the File Repository.
  7. To download a file, click the left mouse button over the file name and select "Save Link As" (Netscape) or "Save Target As" (Internet Explorer).

File Repository Search Criteria

File Name - field used to enter the name of the file to download from the File Repository. It is not necessary to enter the three-character file extension in this field. In addition, partial names may be entered in this field. For example, if "CODE" is entered in this field, a list of all files beginning with "CODE" will be returned.

File Type - field used to identify the type of the file to download and is referred to by the three-character extension of the file name, such as MDB or DOC.

Description - short description of the file. Since individuals submitting files to the File Repository enter the descriptions, it is unlikely to know this information unless it has been told or until the file is actually downloaded.

Submitter's Name - field used to enter the name of the person submitting the file. If the file name or the file type is not known, but the name of the person who submitted it is known, enter their name to view a list of all files submitted by that person.

Submitter's Phone # - field used to enter the phone number of the person submitting the file.

User Category - drop down list to select the type of user this file was created for, such as All States or Examiners.

Intended User - field used to enter a specific user the file was intended for, if necessary.

User ID - field used to enter the NAIC User ID for the person submitting the file.

To submit a file to the File Repository:

  1. On the NAIC File Repository page, click the Submit a File button on the lower left of the screen. The Submit a file to the Repository page will display.
  2. Enter the name of the file to submit in the File to Submit field. Include the path of the file from your local system (for example c:\files\myfile.txt) OR click the Browse button to the right of the field to locate the file to submit from your local system. (NOTE: Because Netscape users cannot download files that contain spaces in the name, all spaces will be stripped out before saving the file in the repository. In addition, because the repository stores file names in lower case, two files cannot have the same name with different cases.)
  3. Enter a short description of the file in the Description field. For example, "Definitions of MO Insurance Classes".
  4. Enter your name in the Submitter's Name field.
  5. Enter your complete phone number in the Submitter's Phone field.
  6. Select a category from the User Category drop down list. For example, if the file would be of interest to Examiners, select that category from the drop down list.
  7. If the file is intended for a specific user, enter that person's name in the Intended User field. (NOTE: This field is optional.)
  8. Select a time limit for the file to remain on the server. You can identify the file to be deleted after 30 or 90 days, 1 year or select that it never be deleted.
  9. Click the Submit the File button at the lower left of the page to upload the file to the NAIC server. (NOTE: File sizes are approximately 10 Megabyte.)

To delete a file from the File Repository:

  1. On the NAIC File Repository page, click the Delete a File button on the lower left of the screen. The File Repository Delete List page will display. Only files that you have loaded to the file repository will display.  This list is based on the iSite+ login ID used when the file was originally loaded to the repository.
  2. Click in the check box next to the file name you would like to delete.  You may select more than one file to delete at a time.
  3. You may view the file prior to deleting it by clicking on the file name.
  4. Click the Delete Checked Files button located at the bottom of the files list.
  5. Your file selection will be confirmed.  Click OK to confirm or Cancel to go back and make changes to your selections.
  6. A list of deleted files will display following the successful deletion of files.