Filing at a Glance
The Filing-at-a-Glance report provides
regulators the details of the status of an individual company's filing. This report
provides receive dates and whether the filing passed all minimum standards.
Filing-at-a-Glance provides a quick look at the status of an annual or quarterly filing
and eliminates the uncertainty regarding the availability of a filing and the need to
contact the NAIC with questions. Filing-at-a-Glance reports are available for the 1999 data year and later for "small" business types: HMO, HMDI, Fraternal and Title. These reports are also available for Life and Property companies for data year 2000 and forward. To View Filing-at-a-Glance reports using the Financial
Reports Page
1. At the top of the Filing-at-a-Glance page, information about the selected company is displayed. The following information is included. (NOTE: See the Glossary for definitions of unfamiliar terms.) - Company name 2. To view a specific filing period, select it from the drop-down list. The Filing-at-a-Glance Filing Periods are the list of filing periods that have been received for the company being reviewed. Since different companies submit their filings at different times, the list may be different for each company. This report will show only those filing periods that have been received for the selected company. The total set of available filing periods includes: -
Filing submissions due March 1 3. Select the filing set from the Filing Set drop-down list. Filing Sets include: -
Electronic Filing Received 4. Click the Go button to view the information for the year, filing period, and filing set(s) selected. 5. The Filing-at-a-Glance information will display in table format and includes the Filing Period, Filing Set, File type (Original, Re-file or Amended) and Date Received. 6. To print the Filing-at-a-Glance report or to save the report to your computer, select the appropriate command from the File menu at the top of the window. 7. To close the Filing-at-a-Glance application, click the close (X) button in the upper right corner of the report window or select the Close option from the File menu at the top of the window. |