Market Analysis Company Prioritization Tool
The Market Analysis
Prioritization Tool (MAPT) utilizes market and financial data
from state and national sources to generate a weighed company ratio
report by key market regulation areas. These market regulation areas
include complaints, regulatory actions, premiums, exam history, company
demographics, and loss and expenses. Companies that fall outside the
norm in one or more of the regulation areas are identified. This
information allows states to narrow their focus to companies with
potential issue areas that may need further research. MAPT is only one of several tools available to the market analyst. Any additional state specific data should be considered when determining which companies to review. It is the market analyst's responsibility to look at each company on an individual basis since unique circumstances may make the acceptable norms vary. This application is designed as an additional source of information to assist the market analyst in prioritizing companies and should not be used as the only means of selecting companies for review. MAPT access is not available to all I-SITE users. If you do not have access to request a report, a dialog box will display at the time of submission. The Market Analysis Chief in each state is authorized to allow view access to additional users based on state specific criteria. System settings are determined by the Market Analysis Research and Development (MARD) group. |