Market Analysis Profiles
The Market Analysis Profiles are a group of financial and market related reports that may be used by Market Regulation Analysts/Examiners to determine the business areas for review when conducting market analysis/examinations. They are a group of reports that are formatted specifically for use by market analysts/examiners. These reports utilize five year’s worth of data contained in the financial annual statement and the CDS, and RIRS databases. They are located together for the convenience of the users. The reports that include financial data will be available for only those firms with NAIC CoCodes. The market data reports will be available for all firms with qualifying information. The reports are available in both HTML (hypertext markup language, i.e. printable web pages) format and CSV (comma separated value, i.e. downloadable spreadsheet) format. Users may select the format for each report separately or for a group of reports (by using the checkboxes to the left of the report name.) There are twelve Market Analysis Profiles reports available to regulators. There are five ways to access the Market Analysis Profiles:
State-Specific Premium Volume Written - 5 years: This report is a summary of the data on the Schedule T report for a five year period for those companies filing a Property, Life, Health, Fraternal or Title annual statement. This differs from the Schedule T report under the Financial Company Search link as those reports are national in scope and each one is for a single specified year. The report provides data for companies filing on the P&C, Life, Health, Title, and Fraternal statements for the first time. The user may select a specific state or all states to run the report for. The default will be the state associated with the user's iSite+ login ID. Modified Financial Summary Profile - 5 years:This report is similar to the Profile reports similar to the Profile reports available under the Financial Company Search link for the state of the user requesting the report. They are limited to those companies filing a Property, Life, or Health annual statement.
Confirmed Complaints
Index Report - 5 years: This report lists the index, complaint share, complaint count, U.S. market share and premiums written for the specified company for a five year period. This report is available for all companies with an active CoCode on the financial database. The complaint index report will allow you to select policy types instead of including all policy types. The user may select a specific state or all states to run the report for. The default will be the state associated with the user's iSite+ login ID. All lines of business are displayed. Eighteen sub-reports are automatically generated based on the state and company selected
U.S. Market Share is calculated as the premiums or number of policies written in your state for the company divided by the total of premiums or number of policies written in your state.
When state specific information is selected, the U.S. Market Share is
calculated as the premiums or number of policies written in the selected
state(s) for the company divided by the total of premiums or number of
policies written in the selected state(s) for all companies. The company's total complaints under the policy type for the calendar year are summed as "Total Complaints." NOTE: Total complaints includes both Confirmed and Unconfirmed complaints. A Confirmed Complaint is a complaint in which the state department of insurance determines: a) The insurer, licensee, producer, or other regulated entity committed any violation of
b) The complaint and entity’s response, considered together, indicate that the entity was in error. Confirmed Complaints include those complaints in which one of the complaint resolution codes used by the state, also known as the “complaint disposition,” upheld the consumer’s complaint position. Complaint resolutions that uphold a consumer’s complaint position are as follows (implemented on 11/15/2010):
Unconfirmed Complaint Dispositions
Complaint Index is calculated as the complaint share divided by the U.S. Market Share. These three reports are available for those firms when the appropriate data is found in the NAIC database for the five year timeframe.
Actions Report - 5 years:
The Regulatory Information Retrieval System (RIRS) contains regulatory
actions taken by participating state insurance departments. A summary of
the RIRS information appears below the identifying demographic
information. The actions are listed in reverse chronological order from
the Action Date. The user can specify All Actions or Substantive Actions for the report. Substantive Actions descriptions are defined as follows:
State Action Search: For each RIRS action from a state that provides access to the actual orders on-line, there will now be a link displayed for the user to go directly to the state's website if they want to request a report. The link will appear, when appropriate, on the RIRS entity report, both RIRS summary reports and the RIRS 5 Year report in the Market Analysis Profile report suite.
Complaints Report - 5 years: The Closed Complaints Report displays the number of complaints selected for an entity or National Producer Number based on various complaint codes (Type, Reason and Disposition). The report also displays percentages of the number of complaint records considered justified (confirmed) for the policy types and the reasons. There are percentages of the total number of complaints that each disposition type represents. The user may select a specific state or all states to run the report for. The default will be the state associated with the user's iSite+ login ID.
Type of Coverage
Reason for Complaint
Disposition The Closed Complain Report is conducted by a count of complaints in their entirety. The report provides counts five years back from when the report is generated. Closed Complaint Code Summary - 5 years: The Closed Complaints Report displays the number of complaint codes selected for an entity or National Producer Number based on various complaint codes (Type, Reason and Disposition). The report also displays percentages of the number of complaint codes considered justified (confirmed) for the policy types and the reasons. There are percentages of the total number of complaint codes that each disposition type represents. The user may select a specific state or all states to run the report for. The default will be the state associated with the user's iSite+ login ID.
Type of Coverage
Reason for Complaint
Disposition The Closed Complaint Code Summary - 5 years report will provide statistics for the following three groups:
Within each group will be information on the following:
A percentage change value of "NR" indicates that the divisor value is zero. A value of -100% will be displayed when the current year value is zero and the prior year value is greater than zero. The report is based off of the past 5 complete calendar years. Note that this report will do a count of all codes specified under that coverage category, so it is a count of all level 1 & 2 codes (under that coverage). Reports can be specified for one or more of the following categories using the radio buttons provided under the report:
Market Action Exam
Summary Report -
5 years: The Market Action Exam Summary Report displays a history of exams called through the Market Action Tracking Systme (MATS) and the Financial Exam Electronic Tracking System (FEETS) for the stated company over a five-year span. (See the FEETS Help page for steps on accessing the system). The data presented includes:
Defense Costs Against Reserves Report - 5 years The Defense Costs Against Reserves Report is available for P&C companies containing the data from the financial statements related to defense costs incurred by the company over a five-year span. The data for Property companies comes from the State Page. The user may select a specific state or all states to run the report for. The default will be the state associated with the user's iSite+ login ID. The Defense Costs Against Reserves Report contains a summarized table at the top of the page for each of the five years as well as the percent change from the previous year.Summary Fields: Property & Casualty
Direct Losses Paid Resisted Claims Against Reserves - 5 Years The Resisted Claims Against Reserves is available for Life companies. The data comes from Exhibit 8, the Life Insurance Exhibit and Schedule F. The Resisted Claims Against Reserves Report contains a summarized table at the top of the page for each of the five years as well as the percent change from the previous year. Life -Schedule F
Claimed Unpaid Claims to Incurred Claims - 5 years
The Unpaid Claims to
Incurred Claims Report is available for Health companies containing
the data from the financial statements related to incurred and paid
claims by the company over a five-year span.
Market Action Initiatives Summary - 5 years
This report will provide the
user with a listing of actions where the action types were Focused
Inquiry and Non-Exam Regulatory Intervention associated with the company and
includes: Action Name Managing Lead State Participating State(s) Line(s) of Business Trigger(s) Conclusion Action Type(s) |