Market Conduct Annual Statement State Ratio Distribution
The MCAS State Ratio Distribution report uses data from the Market Conduct Annual Statement to provide state ratios for each line of business. This report is accessible through the Summary Reports section of iSite+. This report provides regulators with two critical pieces of information to assist them in the analysis of their state’s marketplace activities. The first is a distribution of the number of companies that fall into each of twelve ranges based on their individual ratio values. This information is helpful in determining if company results are clustered at a particular level or spread throughout the categories. With this information, state regulators can quickly see how many outliers there may be for a particular ratio or whether the distribution is evenly spread over the twelve ranges. The other is the state value that is calculated for each ratio using all the data from the companies reporting in that state. The aggregated company totals are entered into the ratio formulas resulting in the state ratio value. The report shows the ratios based on the data available as of the date the report is produced. The later in the year the report is run the more data is included when calculating the ratio values.