The Market Analysis Demographic information is comprised
of data received from the various Market Regulation Applications. This data is submitted to NAIC with updates and when a Regulatory Action, or
a Closed Consumer Complaint is submitted. Market Analysis Demographics include the firm name,
Federal Employee Identification Number-FEIN and the NAIC Entity number.
Company Demographics and MAP-Demographics (market information) are always available
under Report Categories from iSite+ Company/Firm Reports. In addition to this, an
overview of the market regulation activities such as the number of Closed
Complaints, Regulatory Actions-RIRS, and Market Action
Tracking System (MATS) there
are direct links to those market regulation applications for more detail.
Viewing Market Analysis Demographics for companies using CoCode
- Perform a
Company/Firm Search.
- The Results page displays a list of firms that match the
criteria entered on the Company/Firm Search page.
- To view demographic information for the firm, click the link for the
name of the firm.
- The Demographics page will display the firm name, Federal Employee
Identification Number and the NAIC Entity Number for the firm selected.
- Click the links at the top of the page to view the information
available. Information available includes:
Demographics - information from the company master file, such as company code, group
code, business type, FEIN, filing type, etc.
Other Names - the primary company name and any other names used by the company.
- various contact names, addresses and phone numbers, such as Annual
Statement Filing Contact, Diskette Contact, statutory address, primary
location of records, etc
- The Current Address page displays the following fields. Each of the
fields is sortable by clicking on the down arrow. The Current Address
link provides information for Business area of PDB. There is also an
option to save a list of returned addresses in CSV format.
Market Regulation
Address History
– Displays the Market Regulation Address history that is submitted with
a Market Regulation activity.
The report displays the following fields:
Address Type
State supplied
Business area – (CDS, RIRS)
Date created
Date updated
Officers - Listing of all company office bearers and the relative position
they hold.
Filing by State -
indicates whether the company is licensed
and/or writing business in each state for the specified data year.
Market Analysis Profiles-The Market Analysis Profiles are a group of financial and market related reports that may be used by Market Regulation Analysts/Examiners todetermine the business areas for review when conducting market analysis/examinations.
IRIS-The IRIS Worksheet displays IRIS ratio results specific to a
company for a given year. It contains company demographic information,
summarized IRIS ratio results and key annual statement information.
To view market actions click on the blue links provided.
- To print or save any Demographics page, select the appropriate option
from the File menu. (NOTE: You cannot print or save a Demographics page by using the
secondary (right) click menu options on some browsers.)
Viewing Market Firm Demographics
for companies without a CoCode
- Go to Company/Firm Search, Select Market
Business Preference
- Expand the search criteria by
clicking the hyperlink
Show more search
- Scroll down to the bottom of the
page and enter either an Entity number or use a combination from the
following criteria to narrow your search:
- Entity Number
- License Number
- Alien Number
- Exam Number
- Click Search to view Look Up Results
- Click the appropriate link under category for detailed information
Market Individual Demographics
The Market Individual Demographic may include the Social Security
Number, the NAIC National Producer Number-NPN and the date of birth, if available. Additional links are
available within the demographic search to Other Names and All Addresses. This data is
submitted to the NAIC with Producer Licensing updates and with the submission of
Regulatory Actions, and Closed Consumer Complaints.
To View Market Individual Demographics:
- Select an individual by performing a Market Individual search.
- The Lookup Results page displays a list of individuals that match the
criteria entered on the Market Individual Search page.
- To view demographic information for the individual, click the link
for the name of the individual.
- The Demographics page will display the Entity Name, Social Security
Number, Date of Birth and the NAIC National Producer Number for the individual selected.
- Click the links at the top of the page to view the information
available. Information available includes:
Other Names - the primary name and any other names used by the individual
- The Current Address page displays the following fields. Each of the
fields is sortable by clicking on the down arrow. The Current Address
link provides information for Business area of PDB. There is also an
option to save a list of returned addresses in CSV format.
Market Regulation
Address History
– Displays the Market Regulation Address history that is submitted with
a Market Regulation activity.
The report displays the following fields:
Address Type
State supplied
Business area – (CDS, RIRS)
Date created
Date updated
- To print or save any Demographics page, select the appropriate option
from the File menu. (NOTE: You cannot print or save a Demographics page by using the
secondary (right) click menu options on some browsers.)