Personalized Information Capture System

Personalized Information Capture System

The Personalized Information Capture System (PICS) allows you to set up a customized notification system for NAIC databases. When information changes within the NAIC database, an e-mail notification (Alert) will be sent to those users who have set up a profile in PICS that matches the changes that has taken place. Each user can establish a profile indicating the type of information of interest and receive notification if/when that information changes in the NAIC database. PICS provides the ability to eliminate the work associated with manually monitoring the database on a regular basis for changes to specific pieces of information.

Create a Profile
The first step in using PICS is to create your profile. In creating a profile, submit your name, title, job description, database account and e-mail address. This information will help the PICS Administrator send Alerts to the email address submitted.

To create a Profile:

  1. Click PICS (Personalized Information Capture System) located under the Tools tab.
  2. Click the  Profile link at the top of the page. A form will display to enter the profile information.
  3. Enter the information on the form. Fields marked with a asterisk are required.
  4. Select the Active check box to activate your message notifications.
  5. Once the information has been entered, click the Save button at the bottom of the page. A message will display indicating the profile has been added. If the profile has been updated, after the Save button is clicked, a message will display indicating the profile has been updated.

Select Events
The Select Events link allows users to select, by category the information which can be monitored. Five categories are available as described below.

When activating PICS events some of events have criteria, while others you just turn on or off. The events that have no configurable criteria will be activated based off of your state.

Here is an example of the company demographic and financial events that have criteria you can select:

  1. State
  2. Licensing Options
    • Domiciled
    • Licensed
    • Business Written
      • Blank - all states
      • Yes - licensed in the selected state
      • No - not licensed in the selected state
  3. Statement Type
  4. Company Codes

Insurance Company Demographics
These events alert you to insurance company demographics changes.

  • Company Name Change - Alert when company names have been updated in the NAIC database.
  • Group Code Change - Alert when company group codes have changed in the NAIC database.

  • Company Business Type Change - Notification when a company business type changes.

  • Company Status Change - Notification when a company status changes.

  • Alien Demographics Change - A PICS Alert message goes out when an Alien company changes its country of domicile or company name or status (active / inactive).

  • New Company Assignments - Identify when an NAIC Company Code is being assigned to or activated for an active, established company.

  • Form A Application Status Changes - Identify when a Form A has been entered into the system and when the status of the Form A application has changed.

  • Request Filing - Identify companies whose Requested to File status has been updated/changed in the NAIC database.

  • Company Statement Type Change - Alerts when a company changes the type of statement it files (P&C, Life, Health, Title ...).

  • Lead State Change - Alerts when the chosen state(s) become a lead state for the group, or lose lead state status for a group.

  • Change in State of Domicile - Alerts when a company changes their state of domicile.

Financial Analysis
These events are of specific interest to Financial Analysts.

  • Financial Filings Available - Identify companies whose filings have been received and are available.
  • Company Scoring - Identifies companies whose Company Scoring Value has changed.

  • IRIS Results Summary - Identify companies who have IRIS Calculation failures.

  • Key Financial Data Change - Notification when Net Income, Capital and Surplus, or RBC ratio changes.

  • Correspondence - Identifies companies who have received correspondence concerning filing submissions.

  • Annual Audited Financial Statements - Identify companies whose Audited Filings have been received and are available.

  • Analyst Team Level Assignment - Notification when a company is assigned an Analyst Team level.

  • Amended State Page or Schedule T - Alert when insurers file amended annual Schedule T and/or state pages.

  • Form F Enterprise Risk Report Available - Alerts when Form F Enterprise Risk Report PDFs are available.

Financial Examinations
These events are related to Financial Examinations called on insurance companies using the Financial Exam Electronic Tracking System (FEETS). These are weekly notifications to the subscribers.

  • Individual - Called Financial Exams - Notify the subscriber of individual examinations called through the Financial Exam Electronic Tracking System based on the criteria selected by the subscriber.
  • Individual - Updated/Closed Financial Exams - Notify the subscriber of individual examinations updated or closed through the Financial Exam Electronic Tracking System based on the criteria selected by the subscriber.

  • Group - Called Financial Exams - Notify the subscriber of group examinations called through the Financial Exam Electronic Tracking System based on the criteria selected by the subscriber.

  • Group - Updated Financial Exams - Notify the subscriber of group examinations updated through the Financial Exam Electronic Tracking System based on the criteria selected by the subscriber.

  • Group - Closed/Cancelled Financial Exams - Notify the subscriber of group examinations closed or cancelled through the Financial Exam Electronic Tracking System based on the criteria selected by the subscriber.

Market Regulation
These events are related to the conduct of an insurance company in the marketplace.

  • State License Notification - Notify subscribers of lost resident license.

  • State RIRS Notification - Notify subscribers of a RIRS action toward an active licensed producer.

  • Attachments: Background Questions Supporting Documentation Notification (BQSD) - Producers submit electronic supporting documents to State regulators using the Attachments Warehouse when answering affirmative to one or more of the Background Questions from Uniform Application(s).

  • Attachments: Reporting of Action Notification (ROA) - Producers submit electronic documents to State regulators using the Attachments Warehouse. This submission by the producer is made pursuant to Section 17 of the Producer Licensing Model Act (PLMA) or other similar statutory language regarding the duty and obligation of the producer to report any administrative action, civil action, or criminal prosecution to the insurance commissioner.

  • Military Sales Notification - Notify subscribers of a regulatory action or special activity that included inappropriate sales or solicitation to a military service member or on a military installation.

  • MARS Review Approval Notification - Notify subscribers about market analysis reviews that were approved during the preceding day.

  • State Non-Resident License Notification - Notify subscribers of lost non-resident licenses.

  • Multiple Resident State License Notification - Notify subscribers of the addition of a new resident state.

  • MCAS Filing Notification - Notify subscribers when an MCAS filing is received (new or updated).

  • MCAS Waiver and Extension Notification - Notify subscribers when an MCAS waiver or extension request is initiated or updated for current data year.

  • MCAS Correspondence Notification - Notify subscribers when there is an MCAS correspondence generated.

  • Market Action Tracking Notification - Notify subscribers about changes made to Market Actions for entities within their state.

  • Market Action No Change - Notify subscribers that no changes have been made to Market Actions, within a specified period of time, for entities in their state.

  • 1033 State Decision Repository - Notify subscribers of new 1033 State Decision repository activity added to the database for entities with active licenses.

Online Fraud Reporting System
This event relates to fraud complaints submitted by the industry and the consumer.

  • Online Fraud Reporting System Notification - Notify subscribers of new Online Fraud Reports entered into the database.

All Events
The All Events selection will return a list of all available events and includes all events described in the sections above.

To select events:

  1. Click the Select Events link at the top of the PICS page.
  2. Click the link for the type of events about which you would like to be notified (see descriptions above). A page showing the events available for the profile selected will display. The Status column of this page indicates whether each event is active, inactive or unused for your profile.

  3. Click the link associated with the event to be monitored. A page will display to allow you to update the filters for that event. Filters narrow the results of an event to be tailored more specifically to your needs. Filters are not required. (NOTE: Filters are not available for all Market Regulation events. If a selected event does not have a filter, a page will display indicating that filters are not available. In this case, skip the next two steps and go directly to Step 6. You may also skip to Step 6 if you do not wish to apply filters to an event.)

  4. Select a Financial Analysis or Demographics event by clicking the Event Name link. Available options may include State, Licensing Options, Statement Type, and Company Code. Group Type will also be available for the Financial Filings Available event. Unusual IRIS ratios are available for the IRIS Results event.

  5. To select multiple states, use the Shift-Click or CTRL-Click options. To select all states, select the ALL option at the top of the states list.

  6. Multiple Licensing Options can be selected.

  7. All Statement Types, or one Statement type can be selected.

  8. To save the filters, click the Save button at the bottom of the filters page.

    Example: If you are a regulator from Missouri and wish to be notified when a company domiciled in Missouri has a name change, select the Insurance Company Demographics link, then select Insurance Company Name Changes as the event to be monitored. From the filters page, select Domiciled as the Company Licensing Option and Missouri as the State. Click the Save button to save this event.
  9. When the events you have saved occur based on filters selected, you will receive notification via e-mail from this address:

New Event Worksheet
The New Event Worksheet allows you to recommend other events currently not defined in PICS. The New Event Worksheet is submitted to the PICS administrator via e-mail. The administrator will create the event and distribute it for use by all PICS users.

To complete a New Event Worksheet

  1. Click the Suggest Event link at the top of the PICS page. The New Event Worksheet will display.
  2. Complete the information on the form. Requested information includes:

  • Event Name
  • Business Requirements (how the event will assist users)
  • Description (a short description of the event)
  • Suggested Audience (who will benefit from this event)
  • Standard Business Filters
  • Application Area (Financial, Market Regulation, Demographics)
  1. Enter the Event Message. This is the message that will be sent to users who have activated this event when the event occurs.
  2. Click the Submit button to submit the Event to the PICS Administrator. The administrator will create the event and distribute for all PICS users.

To View PICS reports using the iSite+ Reports Page  

Search for an entity or entities by performing a Company/Firm Search.
  • Look for the Personalized Information Capture System link under Other in the Categories Frame.
  • Click on the PICS link.

Last updated: 10/07/2021 21:07:49
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