Specific Issuer - Schedule D Securities

Specific Issuer - Schedule D Securities

This report provides a listing of all companies licensed in a specified state that own a particular security. The report is generated based on the CUSIP number and the type of security entered (e.g. Long Term Bonds, Preferred Stocks.)

  1. Click the Summary Reports link located under the Tools tab.
  2. Select Specific Issuer - Schedule D Securities  within the Other area of the page. Click the description button to read the expected results of the report.
  3. The Specific Issuer - Schedule D Securities  Report Search Criteria will be displayed.  On the page, select from the following criteria:

    Data Year 

    Codelist Basis
    Statement Type

    Security Type
    CUSIP Issuer

    Then you can choose a primary and secondary sort.

    Choose a Report Type:
    MS Excel

  4. Click on the Submit button  
  5. The report contains the following fields:
    Fair Value

  6. To save the report, select the appropriate option from the File menu.
  7. To return to the Summary reports page close your browser window. .
  8. To perform another search or navigate to a different application within iSite+, select the appropriate link at the top of the Summary Reports page.