Company Appointment Renewals

Company Appointment Renewals

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What this invoice does

In the past your company received from the State Department of Insurance by mail a hardcopy of your company’s appointment renewal invoice.  This is that same invoice and should be treated in the same way, in that it needs to be paid.  You are not allowed to make changes to the invoice.  If you have a dispute concerning a certain appointment, you should address these individual cases directly with the State Department of Insurance.

 There are a numerous advantages to your receiving the invoice in this format.  Some of these advantages are:

  • States using NIPR’s processing for appointment renewals will all look the same.

  • You can still print the appointment renewal listing, but you can also download it in two different formats (text delimited and XML). These formats allow you to use the data to update your producer database as well as comparing your appointments against what is on the PDB.

  • The process is faster because it is electronic.  Companies can access their appointment renewal listing and invoice as early as the day they are created. There is no waiting for the renewal invoice to be sent through the mail or to have it mis-delivered.  

  • If paying by electronic check or credit card, a receipt is provided that can be printed and retained in your files.

  • The appointment renewals are applied to the State licensing system shortly after the payment has been received (credit card within 24 business hours or 3-5 days with electronic check).

If there is an error in the report or you have a question, please contact: or call 816-783-8468

Payment of the invoice is by:

  • Credit card (done on-line in a secure environment)

  • Electronic checks (also on-line in a secure environment)

 If you have any comments or suggestions on how to improve this application, please share them with us at