Analyst Team Summary
Provides the Analyst Team Level assigned to all companies of a specified statement type,
data year and state. This report is available for the 1999 data year and forward for
Property, Life and Fraternal companies, and 2005 data year and forward for Health entities.
Certified Reinsurers Approved For Passporting
Provides a listing of reinsurers that are ceertified by individual states and approved for
passporting by the Reinsurance Financial Analysis Working Group.
FEETS Exam Summary Report
Provides a listing of financial examinations for companies based on the
criteria entered. Links are provided to individual examinations.
FEETS Group Exam Report
Provides a listing of financial examinations for groups of companies based
on the criteria entered. Links are provided to group examinations.
Financial Analysis Handbook Summary
Provides a count by companies of the automated "Yes" responses for each chapter
of the Financial Analysis Handbook.
Regulatory Information System (IRIS) Summary
Provides IRIS ratio results for all companies of a specified business type and data year
based on whether the company is domiciled, licensed and/or writing business in a
particular state.
Lead State Summary
This report provides each state a listing of the insurance groups in which they
have been determined to be the lead state. The report can also be run on a
particular group code to determine the lead state(s) of that group.
Accounting Practices Snapshot Report
The Permitted Accounting Practices Snapshot Report lists all permitted
accounting practices issued. You may search for permitted accounting
practices by Domiciliary State and Financial Statement Filing Date.
Prioritization Tools Summary
The Prioritization Tools Summary report displays the prioritization results
generated from various Financial Analysis Solvency Tools for issuers
domiciled or writing business in a state.
Risk Based Capital (RBC)Trend Test Summary
This report identifies companies that trigger the RBC trend test for Life
and Property. The report also lists the key elements in determining the
trend test results from the RBC trend test calculation. This report is
available for Annual 2005 and forwards.
Schedule T Business by State Summary
The Schedule T Business by State Summary Report provides a more complete listing of companies,
Schedule T, while not as detailed as the state pages, allows users to access different types
of companies, such as reinsures and surplus lines writers.
Scoring Summary
Provide information based on a set of weighted financial ratios for a
specified group of companies, such as all property companies licensed in a
particular state. Reports are available based on Annual and Quarterly
Statement data. An additional function is available that allows users
to create a trend report including the most current data year through the
previous five years for a specific company.
Specific Issuer- Schedule D Securities
This report provides a listing of all companies licensed in a specified
state that own a particular security
Title Summary
The Title Summary Report provides a summary of key
data on the title state page by company. This information includes
Title Direct Premiums Written, Direct Operations, Non-Affiliated
Operations, Affiliated Operations and Market Share.
Z Remedy Reports
This report utility allows Regulators the ability to generate Detail and Summary PDF reports about reported Securities with "Z" Designations.
The generated PDF reports provide information about Securities that have been acquired for more than 120 days
per insurer by State of Domicile.